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Public expense in a sentence

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Sentence count:19+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2021-12-07Updated:2021-12-07
Similar words: public exposureexpenseexpensespublic eyepublic officepublic enemyother expensesexpense cost
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(1) The bridge was built at public expense.
(2) Most children in Britain are educated at public expense.
(3) EXPENSE Most children are educated at public expense.
(4) All the college students are educated at the public expense.
(5) Every effort was made to provide at public expense with masters who at low salaries.
(6) EC students ( at public expense Health ) is a national program to recruIt'students.
(7) In 2009 still students at public expense , to waive tuition fees, accommodation and so on.
(8) The exam obtained Tsinghua university at public expense to study abroad 1935 qualification.
(9) In fact, without the system that allowed presidents to amass a personal fortune at public expense, they may need to.
(10) Even fee-paying pupils could, if parental circumstances entitled them, receive full or partial remission of fees at the public expense.
(11) The federal government obligingly constructed logging roads into the wildernesses at public expense to accommodate the trucks and men and machinery.
(12) The specter that has haunted the economist has been the monopoly seeking extortionate gains at the public expense.
(13) For years governments have let scientists pursue the defenceless boson at public expense.
(14) Such issues should, as currently occurs in most tax cases(, always be litigated at the public expense.
(15) Should architects continue to be trained for five years at public expense?
(16) Performance budget is one of the measures for performance-lead public expense and it is helped to improve the effectiveness in public expense.
(17) If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense.
(18) Result: The inpatient cases with laser therapy cost most in drugs and pay at public expense chiefly.
(19) No man or no woman ever profited at the public expense or the public till.
More similar words: public exposureexpenseexpensespublic eyepublic officepublic enemyother expensesexpense costpublic officerpublic choiceexpense ratioextra expensein the public eyepublic servicereduce expensesspare no expensedaily expensestravel expenseat the expense oflegal expensesdirect expensesbad debt expensecapital expenseexpense controlmedical expensepersonal expenseexpense accountliving expensesgo to the expense ofbusiness expense
Total 19, 30 Per page  1/1 
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